Applied JavaScript PrerequisitesPrinciples of Programming, HTML I and II, and JavaScript I, or equivalents Required BooksJavaScript: The Definitive Guide JavaScript for the World Wide Web (Visual Quickstart Guide) Buy these books now at my bookstore.
Course DescriptionThis course is designed for those with some basic understanding of programming concepts and constructs, but little practical experience. This is a "hard" programming course, designed to teach you fundamental programming skills using JavaScript. You will create program after program. While developing your problem solving skills, you will be learning to create portable code, to understand the implications of the return keyword, to handle arguments and the argument array, and to deal with the eval() method. You will learn how to handle simple user input and to write error-checking routines. You will learn more about exploiting loops, branching logic, and arrays, as well as browser conditionalization. We will discuss commenting, creating HTML through JavaScript routines, and debugging tricks. We will touch upon JavaScript objects, and (time permitting), the DOM. Be prepared to WORK. Course RequirementsApplied JavaScript is graded on a CR/NC (credit/no-credit) basis. For a passing grade, students are required to:
I strongly urge students to attend every class, as we are jam-packed with material to cover. Missing even one class can set you painfully behind. Applied JavaScript ExercisesExercise Descriptions
Exercise Solutions
Applied JavaScript ExamplesEnjoy these sample pages from Applied JavaScript, Spring 2001. Lecture April 16, 2001Lecture April 9, 2001Lecture April 02, 2001Previous LecturesModular Code for Extracting Checkbox Info Dynamically Changing Pulldown Menu Enjoy these sample pages from Applied JavaScript, Fall 2000. Randomization Routine Example Page Enjoy these sample pages from Applied JavaScript, Summer 2000. Last Updated: April 16, 2001 |