DHTML PrerequisitesPrinciples of Programming, HTML I and II, CSS, JavaScript I, and Applied JavaScript or equivalents Required BooksJavaScript: The Definitive Guide Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference Recommended BookCascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide Buy these books now at my bookstore.
Course DescriptionThis course has changed substantially from the MSP catalog description. You are expected to have a facility with CSS-P before entering this class. The DHTML course is, essentially, an extension of Applied JavaScript, in as much as we will be using stepped exercises to develop advanced JavaScript programming skills. We will study the DOM, its implementations in Netscape, IE, and Netscape 6, and learn how to piece HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and the DOM together to create working programs and simple applications. I have created an object library which we will use to simplify applications development. We will be creating several small programs out of DHTML pieces. Time permitting, we will also explore the connection between Flash and JavaScript/DHTML. This class is the culmination of the JavaScript classes, and may be used for substantive portfolio development. Be prepared to WORK. Course RequirementsDHTML is graded on a CR/NC (credit/no-credit) basis. For a passing grade, students are required to:
I strongly urge students to attend every class, as we are going to be swamped with material. The final project may be a portion of a portfolio project, a single independant work, or a smaller exercise assigned by the teacher. Complete DHTML Student DiskIncludes Object Library, DHTML Examples Folder, and standard Graphics folder, along with complete CSS student disk.
Object LibrarymmmObjectLib.js and Instructions for Use -- Allows you to create DynamicLayer objects, cross-browser-compatible DIV layers which hide, show, animate (primitive), set z-index, write text/HTML to layers, and image-switch. Compatible with Netscape 4, IE 4 & 5, and Netscape 6 (Mozilla build M16+).
DHTML Examples FolderSelected samples from personal and in-class projects, mostly quite simple.
Standard Graphics Folder
Class Projects and ExamplesClass Project 01Below are the two finished versions of project 01. DO NOT REVIEW THE CODE! These are posted solely to act as models for your first project. Class Project 02 -- Expanding MenuBelow is the finished version of Project 02. Please don't review the code until you have finished coding the project for yourself! Note: Graphics are just placeholders; graphics of any size and shape may be used in place of the letters displayed. Class Project 03 -- Student's ChoiceThe third project is an independant project; student's may choose anything they wish. After everything we have learned in Applied JavaScript and DHTML, it is time to apply that knowledge to a more involved programming piece. Ideas:
Flash/DHTML DemoRequires Flash 5 Plug-in. Operates in all DHTML-enabled versions of Netscape Communicator and Internet Explorer EXCEPT Internet Explorer for Macintosh.
Examples from April 17 and 24, 2001
Examples from April 10, 2001
Examples from April 3, 2001Example from March 20, 2001
Example from November 15, 2000
Examples from July 21, 2000
Example Program from July 28, 2000
Note: All .sit and .zip archives were created using Stuff-It Deluxe 5.5. Version 5 .sit archives require the latest version of Stuff-It Expander, the standard Macintosh decompression utility, available for both Mac and PC. You can pick it up free at http://www.aladdinsys.com/expander/index.html. Last Updated: April 24, 2001 |