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Create a simple website on a topic of your own choosing, which includes frames, a form, a client-side imagemap, and a little text and pictures; use of the META
tag is optional. The content for this site may be (and probably should be) filler, or it may be something more substantial (if desired). You will probably need 6-10 pages of HTML to completely realize this exercise. Don't get bogged down in content generation; you should try to take no more than one week to finish this project.
Once you have finished your project, you MUST upload the project onto a web server (preferably using an FTP Client). Please upload your project to a web server at your own ISP or at your work; do NOT use "free" web space, as these spaces usually add extraneous code and advertisements to your HTML which I do not want to see.
Note: Please make certain that you test your project THOROUGHLY before posting the URL to the threaded discussion. If I find careless or stupid mistakes due to a lack of testing, I may withhold credit for your project; at the very least, I will require that you fix, re-mount, and re-test the website.
Once you have mounted your project website on a web server and tested that project thoroughly, post the URL to your project on the threaded discussion for this module; include your FULL name in the message with the URL, and any comments or disclaimers you want to make about the site. I will append my comments about each site on your message in the threaded discussion.
You will be graded on three criteria: competence (all the links and pictures must work!), code clarity (use strict syntax and don't forget to close your tags!), and navigational clarity (don't let me get lost in a maze). I will not grade on content or practicality, but I may comment upon these things, where appropriate. Don't forget: if you have links which lead OUTSIDE of your frame site, you must use target="_top"
Do NOT recycle code from the examples and exercises from the previous modules. If you recycle code from my examples or exercises, you will NOT receive credit for this project. If you have any questions about this, please contact me at michael@michaelmasumoto.com if you would like clarification and/or project approval.
I am not expecting this project to be a professional-caliber website; I am mostly checking to see that you understand how to do the HTML that we have studied in the past three modules, as well as to make certain that you've internalized the fundamentals that we've covered in the rest of this course. If you want to include real world TABLEs or lists or anything else in this project, I would be thrilled, but it's certainly not required; I realize that time is short.
Copyright © 2001 Michael Masumoto. All Rights Reserved.